
ansible-role for oracle dockerized on bits - Dev usage only single node. :rescue_worker_helmet:

View the Project on GitHub dwaiba/oracle

Table of Contents (Oracle Ansible Role)

Oracle Dockerized on persistent volume and tools automations

Get some Cloud Infra with LVM - Automated along with ansible latest- RHEL75 or CentOS7

:beginner: Get Some Infra - GCP
:beginner: Get Some Infra - AWS

Steps to run the playbook in the infra

cd /data

git clone

cd oracle

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  1. Obtain cookies content post log in here
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  3. Please put the cookie content in variable mentioned directory as declared in `oracle.yml` playbook. The Cookie file in defaulted as roles/oracle/files/ should be named cookies.txt.

nohup sudo ansible-playbook -i inventory oracle.yml &

Connect with default creds in oracle.yml

docker exec -ti oracle-ee bash -c "sqlplus sys/rollapolla23D#@localhost:1521/orclcdb as sysdba"

docker exec -ti oracle-ee bash -c "sqlplus schema_owner/schema_owner@localhost:1521/orclcdb"


As sql client directly to VM over ports 1521

One may download SQL Developer from Oracle

Reporting bugs

Please report bugs by opening an issue in the GitHub Issue Tracker. Bugs have auto template defined. Please view it here

Patches and pull requests

Patches can be submitted as GitHub pull requests. If using GitHub please make sure your branch applies to the current master as a ‘fast forward’ merge (i.e. without creating a merge commit). Use the git rebase command to update your branch to the current master if necessary.


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