Azure Kubernetes Service with Terraform :new: :wheel_of_dharma: :sailboat: :cloud:
This repository is actively maintained @
Have Fun checking a 4x speed AKS creation via asciinema - 3 node cluster with required jenkins plugins, tiller, ingress controllers, brigade, prometheus-grafana, takes around 20 minutes on Azure.
docker run -ti docker4x/create-sp-azure aksadmin
Your access credentials ==================================================
AD ServicePrincipal App ID: xxxxxx
AD ServicePrincipal App Secret: xxxxxx
AD ServicePrincipal Tenant ID: xxxxxx
wget -O; unzip; rm ;sudo cp terraform /usr/local/bin
Please note docker should be installed with terraform binary and your present in directory for running the following.
Terraform locally installed has binary in non-root
Docker usage in deploying is only for the az-cli-python container usage without installing locally.
Create a new cluster -Please note docker should be installed with terraform binary and your present in directory for running the following.
wget && chmod +x && ./
Terraform will now prompt for the 13 variables as below in sequence:
Expected Values and conventions for the 13 variables are as follows :
Number of Cluster Agent Nodes (GPU Quota is defaulted to only 2 Standard_NC6 per subscription) - Please view
Enter a value: <<agent_count are the number of "agents" - 2 for a GPU (or more if you have quota or 3 or 5 or 7>>
Please input the ACR name to create in the same Resource Group
Enter a value: <<azure_container_registry_name as "alphanumeric" as "<<org>>aks<<yournameorBU>>">>
Sku of Cluster node- Recommend -Standard_F4s_v2- for normal and -Standard_NC6- for GPU (GPU Quota is defaulted to only 2 per subscription) Please view Azure Linux VM Sizes at
Enter a value: Standard_F4s_v2
Please input the Azure Application ID known as client_id
Enter a value: <<client_id which is the sp client Id>>
var.client_secret Please input the Azure client secret for the Azure Application ID known as client_id
Enter a value: <<client_secret which is the secret for the above as created in pre-req>>
Please input the k8s cluster name to create
Enter a value: <<cluster_name as "<<org>>aks<<yournameorBU>>"
Please input the DNS prefix to create
Enter a value: <<dns_prefix as "<<org>>aks<<yournameorBU>>"
Please input whether to install Jenkins by default- either true or false
Enter a value: <<true/false>>
Install SuiteCRM with MariaDB - true or false
Please input the k8s version - 1.14.8 or older ones like 1.10.6 or 1.11.1 or 1.11.2 or 1.11.3 or 1.11.4
Enter a value: 1.14.8
Please input the Azure region for deployment - for e.g: westeurope or eastus
Enter a value: eastus
Please input to patch grafana, kubernetes-dashboard service via LBR Ingress External IP- either true or false
Enter a value: <<true/false>>
Please input a new Azure Resource group name
Enter a value: <<Azure Resource group for aks service as "<<org>>aks<<yournameorBU>>"
kube_version latest for aks is 1.14.8 and may vary from 1.9.x to 1.11.4 through 10.3.6- . Please view Azure Service Availability for AKS in Regions and also via
az aks get-versions --location <<locationname>>
The DNSPrefix must contain between 3 and 45 characters and can contain only letters, numbers, and hyphens. It must start with a letter and must end with a letter or a number.
Only alpha numeric characters only are allowed in azure_container_registry_name.
Expected account_tier for storage to be one of Standard Premium with max GRS and not RAGRS.
can only be specified for a Classic (unmanaged) Sku of Azure Container Registry. This does not support web hooks. Default is Premium Sku of Azure Container Registry.
echo "$(terraform output kube_config)" > ~/.kube/azurek8s
Also one can echo and copy content to local kubectl config.
export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/azurek8s
kubectl get nodes
kubectl proxy
Dashboard available at http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/kubernetes-dashboard/proxy/#!/overview?namespace=default
or if proxied from a server can be online as follows:
kubectl proxy --address --accept-hosts .* &
After Cluster creation, all you need to do is perform “kubectl get svc” to get url for jenkins and obtain jenkins password as follows- preferably from within the azure-cli-python container bash prompt post cluster creation:
printf $(kubectl get secret --namespace default hclaks-jenkins -o jsonpath="{.data.jenkins-admin-password}" | base64 -d);echo
Auto Provisioned.
One can also use draft with the Container Registry and use helm to install any chart as follows:
Provisioned by master local-exe provisioner
via git clone
without RBAC- global.rbacEnable=false
and without prometheus-operator
Dashboard available post port forward via:
kubectl get pods --namespace monitoring
kubectl get pods kube-prometheus-grafana-6f8554f575-bln7x --template='\n' --namespace monitoring
kubectl port-forward kube-prometheus-grafana-6f8554f575-bln7x 3000:3000 --namespace monitoring &
User/Password for grafana (generally admin/admin
kubectl get secret --namespace monitoring kube-prometheus-grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d ; echo
kubectl get secret --namespace monitoring kube-prometheus-grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.user}" | base64 -d ; echo
kubectl get nodes|awk '{print $1}'|sed 1d|xargs kubectl describe node|grep nvidia
Labels: accelerator=nvidia
kube-system nvidia-device-plugin-bj4hx 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
For benchmarking with multi GPUs - min. 8 by default with 1 replica please use the following repo, clone and change number of GPU required to run the benchmarking mpi job.
Please generate dot format (Graphviz) terraform configuration graphs for visual representation of the repo.
terraform graph | dot -Tsvg > graph.svg
Also, one can use Blast Radius on live initialized terraform project to view graph.
Please shoot in dockerized format:
docker ps -a|grep blast-radius|awk '{print $1}'|xargs docker kill && rm -rf aks-terraform && git clone && cd aks-terraform && terraform init && docker run --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN -dit --rm -p 5000:5000 -v $(pwd):/workdir:ro 28mm/blast-radius && cd ../
A live example is here for this project. Blast Radius is a pip3 install.
uage is better as local tools install with terraform would work.
git clone && cd aks-terraform
sudo su
sudo az login && sudo terraform init && sudo terraform plan -var agent_count=3 -var azure_container_registry_name=hclaks -var azurek8s_sku=Standard_F4s_v2 -var client_id=<<your app client id>> -var client_secret=<<your_app_secret>> -var cluster_name=hclaksclus -var dns_prefix=hclaks -var helm_install_jenkins=false -var install_suitecrm=false -var kube_version=1.11.4 -var location=westeurope -var patch_svc_lbr_external_ip=true -var resource_group_name=hclaks -out "run.plan"
sudo terraform apply "run.plan"
sudo terraform destroy -var agent_count=3 -var azure_container_registry_name=hclaks -var azurek8s_sku=Standard_F4s_v2 -var client_id=<<your app client id>> -var client_secret=<<your_app_secret>> -var cluster_name=hclaksclus -var dns_prefix=hclaks -var helm_install_jenkins=false -var install_suitecrm=false -var kube_version=1.11.4 -var location=westeurope -var patch_svc_lbr_external_ip=true -var resource_group_name=hclaks
usage is better as local tools install with terraform would work. - “GPU Compute” k8s for AKS - 2 Tesla K80s available for cluster and seen by k8s
git clone && cd aks-terraform
sudo ls -alrt
sudo az login && sudo terraform init && sudo terraform plan -var agent_count=2 -var azure_container_registry_name=hclaksgpu -var azurek8s_sku=Standard_NC6 -var client_id=<<your app client id>> -var client_secret=<<your_app_secret>>H -var cluster_name=hclaksclusgpu -var dns_prefix=hclaksgpu -var helm_install_jenkins=false -var install_suitecrm=false -var kube_version=1.11.4 -var location=westeurope -var patch_svc_lbr_external_ip=true -var resource_group_name=hclaksgpu -out "run.plan"
sudo terraform apply "run.plan"
sudo terraform destroy -var agent_count=2 -var azure_container_registry_name=hclaksgpu -var azurek8s_sku=Standard_NC6 -var client_id=<<your app client id>> -var client_secret=<<your_app_secret>>H -var cluster_name=hclaksclusgpu -var dns_prefix=hclaksgpu -var helm_install_jenkins=false -var install_suitecrm=false -var kube_version=1.11.4 -var location=westeurope -var patch_svc_lbr_external_ip=true -var resource_group_name=hclaksgpu
docker run -dti --name=azure-cli-python --restart=always azuresdk/azure-cli-python && docker cp terraform azure-cli-python:/ && docker cp azure-cli-python:/ && docker exec -ti azure-cli-python bash -c "az login && bash"
git clone
curl -LO$(curl -s;
Optionally, you can also install kubectl locally. This repo installs kubectl in the azure-cli-python container.
chmod +x ./kubectl;
mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl;
mv ../ /aks-terraform;
mv ~/terraform aks-terraform/
cd aks-terraform
terraform init
terraform plan -out run.plan
terraform apply "run.plan"
Please report bugs by opening an issue in the GitHub Issue Tracker. Bugs have auto template defined. Please view it here
Patches can be submitted as GitHub pull requests. If using GitHub please make sure your branch applies to the current master as a ‘fast forward’ merge (i.e. without creating a merge commit). Use the git rebase
command to update your branch to the current master if necessary.
:sparkles: Recognize all contributors, not just the ones who push code :sparkles:
Thanks goes to these wonderful people :
Dwai Banerjee
| :—: | :—: | :—: | :—: |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!